Geodesic Dome

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Cladding the Dome

Once the dome was erected the bottom of the dome was fixed with timber and aluminum strips.

In order to clad the dome we decided to use cardboard sheets as they were quiet cost effective and easy to cut. These cardboard sheets were then waterproofed with a spray on clear coat. Once dried they were then cut to shape and fixed to the dome skeleton with wood screws.
Once the cardboards were fixed to the frame, we then drew out the window on a clear sheet of perspex which was then cut and fixed to the frame with screws. In order to make the window sill we used wood to wedge the perspex between and left a small gap at the bottom of the sill in order to allow for water to be able to escape as can be seen in the image below.

Once all the cladding was fixed and the window was put in place we caulked all the gaps and holes with silicon to make sure everything was waterproofed. Below is the final result of the dome.

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